Let me just get up on to my soapbox pulpit, ready to address the faithful....
"Pray, my seekers! The Gods are listening! The Faithful shall be rewarded!"
Okay, now that that's done, let's move on to this post's topic: Prayer. No not you, as an individual, and your choice of belief systems, (or lack thereof), but your *character's Faith. The "faithful", will indeed be rewarded, and "the more you pray, the more it pays".
The "Sky Ball" (upper center)
"Long Sleep Basin"
The prayer system is available to every race, every job class. This is where part of the "Zodiac System" comes in, if your personal Zodic is "on the rise" in conjunction with the current Astronomical dominance, your odds of reciveing the "God's Blessing" will be increased.At the same time, your "Faith Force" gradually increases. Think of it as a level-able skill. Higher skill= higher chance of reward / reward quality.
Now, being new in the game, you're not likely to get "top teir" gifts from the gods, right? The "Sky Ball" is your friend. Skill books, XP skill upgrades, and other phenomenal prizes await you. Now, don't think you can just "sit and pray all day". Prayer is "once per hour". Don't ignore the opportunities for free blessings and gifts.
Pale Hunter
Water God Statue
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